Visiting summer birds
In the summer on Lord Howe Island we see several birds visiting from the northern hemisphere.
In the summer on Lord Howe Island we see several birds visiting from the northern hemisphere.
In early September, there were celebrations on the island to mark the 50th anniversary of the construction of the Lord Howe Island airstrip.
Tourism brochures on display at the museum reflect the evolving transportation, accommodation, and experiences on Lord Howe Island over time.
Recently, the great-grandson of Captain Todd, master of the SS Ovalau shipwrecked in 1903, visited Lord Howe Island and related the story of his ancestor.
The seventh annual Sea Slug census was held on Lord Howe Island during February and March.
The Lord Howe Island Museum has received sponsorship from the inaugural Baillie Lodges Spirit of Mateship intitiative.
Coral spawning is a regular annual event on the island, but this year the mass spawning has come early.
An orchid species previously not reported on Lord Howe Island was discovered recently.
Shipwrecks around Lord Howe Island have been documented in a new section of our historical gallery, including the Ovalau, in 1903.
At the Annual General Meeting held last night, Robyn Warner stepped down as Museum President, after 20 years in the role.