Birds of Lord Howe Island

This lecture is held every Thursday evening, unless cancelled.

Birds are the major animal life on the island. 17 species of landbirds and 14 species of seabirds breed on the island. A total of 230 species have been recorded.

We look at the landbirds breeding today, the extinct birds and what happened to them, the Woodhen rescue story, and the visitors. Then a detailed look at the various groups of seabirds and how they are adapted for a life at sea, how and when they breed. We end with some hints to find the best locations on the island to visit and view the birdlife each season.

Book early – seats are limited to 20 persons.



13 Mar 2025


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm




Museum AV Room


Lord Howe Island Museum


  • Ian Hutton
    Ian Hutton
    OAM BSc FLS DSc Museum Curator

    Dr Hutton holds degrees in Biological Science from Macquarie University and Southern Cross University, and first came to the island as an employee of the Bureau of Meteorology, in 1980. He has lived on Lord Howe Island for more than 40 years and was appointed as the Curator of the Museum in 2002.
    Read more about Ian Hutton