Welcome to the Museum Guest Internet
Support the Museum - Use our Museum premium internet plans
- No time limits – Use at any time and without interruption.
- High speed – Up to 350/80Mbps.
- As little as $2 per day
- 100% of ticket sales goes to the keep and running of the Museum (a registered not-for-profit).
- Supported by humans.
- Museum donors and membership renewals can get complimentary premium internet access when making a donation – ask a friendly volunteer.

Free Internet Internet Tickets are available from October 2024
The free internet tickets have some limits.
Free tickets are:
- Free – but with restrictions
- Only available between 9am and 3pm
- Each ticket is valid for 1 hour
- Each device (phone, tablet, laptop) can access 2 free tickets per day
- Speed is capped to 5/1Mbps
- Not supporting the Museum – Please make a donation
Please talk to a volunteer if you want a ticket for our premium internet access.
Premium tickets:
- A little as $2-$2.50 per day.
- Available at anytime – even when the Museum is closed.
- Tickets are valid between 2 and 20 days in a row.
- No limits on how long and often a device may use a premium ticket
- Can be 35-50 times faster than the Free tickets (depending on the plan). We have seen speeds in excess of 350/80 Mbps
- Support the Museum – including the provision of free internet tickets
Using the Museum premium internet – there is a lot of information on the printed ticket