LED lighting in the ceiling of the main foyer of the Lord Howe Island Museum

Sponsorship enables LED lights to be installed

Twent-five years after the building was constructed, new LED lights have been installed in all the museum rooms and exhibition areas.

The Museum is nearly 25 years old, and technology has moved on. The original building had the most efficient lighting of its day – fluorescent tubes throughout. In recent years LED replacement lights have become quite mainstream and the museum put a note out seeking a sponsor to replace the aging fluorescent lights with modern LED fittings.

In January 2024 two of our regular visitors and long-term supporters, James and Leonie Furber, offered to sponsor this project. The LED lights were purchased at Port Macquarie and shipped over in March, and have been installed and now are operational.

This not only gives the museum an up-to-date brighter look, but will lower the energy bill for the museum.

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