Museum benefits from Baillie Lodges’ generosity

The Lord Howe Island Museum has received sponsorship from the inaugural Baillie Lodges Spirit of Mateship intitiative.

Baillie Lodges Spirit of Mateship program

In 2024 Baillie Lodges launched the Spirit of Mateship program.

This is an ongoing initiative dedicated to raising funds for nominated community, health, education and conservation organisations in each of the communities where the seven lodges are located.

As part of the program, Baillie Lodges will auction three-night stays at each lodge, with all proceeds from the winning bids pooled and divided equally amongst the chosen community organisations.

The initiative will run biannually, offering guests a chance to contribute to the people and places in which they holiday.

You can see details at:

The first auction ran in February 2024 and raised $72,500 which has been shared amongst seven communities in which the Baillie Lodges operate.

The 2024 beneficiaries

The associations chosen in 2024 as beneficiaries across the Baillie Lodges properties were:

  • Kangaroo Island Country Education Fund: Southern Ocean Lodge, Kangaroo Island
  • Maggie Beer Foundation: The Louise, South Australia’s Barossa Valley.
  • Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women’s Council: Longitude 131, Uluru Kata- Tjuta
  • Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation: Silky Oaks Lodge, Queensland’s Daintree Rainforest
  • Lord Howe Island Museum: Capella Lodge, Lord Howe Island
  • Greening Taupo: Huka Lodge, New Zealand
  • Redd Fish Restoration Society: Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge, Vancouver Island.

The Lord Howe Island Museum has received $10,500 under the scheme. This money will be used to update some of the displays in the Museum Environmental Gallery.

A future news item will detail the display chosen for the funds.

Two of the displays in the museum’s Environmental gallery – possible candidates for updating with the available funds.

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