Mystery watch

Mystery item found at Middle Beach

Jeremy and Jan Colman visited Lord Howe Island for a week back in June of this year, and were walking on Middle Beach one afternoon and found the front cover of an antique gold fob watch. It was jammed underneath a boulder that was revealed at low tide close to the southern end of the beach, not far from the steps up the cliff. The photo shows it after cleaning to remove the copper sulphide deposits.

It appears to be 9 carat gold, with a serial number of 16429. It has some writing engraved in it, and the style of writing, and decorations on it give the appearance of it being quite old. The inscription reads “At all times, in all places, with all people, play the game,” Dad. To Gus from his Pal Jim. Jeremy says “This makes us think that Gus and Jim were brothers, and the inscription is a saying of their father’s.”

Are there any readers who can shed light on this mystery item found recently on the island? Jeremy and Jan are going to donate this item to the Lord Howe Island Museum.

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