The Lord Howe Island Museum is a not-for-profit organisation. The Museum does not charge an entry fee – access is freely available to all visitors. All the staff are volunteers, and the majority of our funds come from donations, sponsorships, grants and bequests. 

You can help support us by making a donation to our general upkeep, or to finance one or more of our current projects.

We are currently seeking sponsorship for a number of projects. Please contact the museum for information, or make a donation directly, by following the links below. Acknowledgement of donations and sponsorships over $500 is given in a special Sponsors Album on display at the museum, and a sponsor’s plaque can be attached to specific items if required.


Website maintenance

Our website requires regular payment of fees for hosting, and maintenance.
Monthly and annual payments are needed to keep our website up-to-date and fully functional.
Regular donations are sought to help offset these costs.
Learn more
Naturalist Allan McCulloch on Lord Howe Island.

Publication of a book

This fascinating biography is to be published in mid-2022.
A new book to be released in mid-2022 by New South Publishing, explores the life and times of Lord Howe Island's most talented naturalist, Allan McCulloch.
We are now seeking sponsors to support the publication of this fascinating biography.
Learn more

Freight for documents

Documents donated to the Museum, need to come from Canada.
A generous donor has offered boxes of documents and journal papers to the museum. To have these at the museum for research and archiving we need to freight them from Canada.
Learn more

Document cabinet

A new cabinet for safe, flat storage of maps and documents.
The museum holds a number of valuable historical maps and larger documents and posters that require storage flat. An essential addition to our archival storage is the purchase of a dedicated map cabinet.
Learn more


The museum has had a number of projects that have been sponsored by individuals or businesses. Some recent sponsorships include:


The management and the day-to-day operations of the Museum rely on volunteers. The various volunteer activities include fronting the reception desk, assisting visitors with information about the Museum and the Island, and assisting with shop purchases. A large part of the installation and maintenance of displays, fixtures and the garden is also carried out by volunteers. Each week free video documentaries are screened for visitors by a volunteer.

In this way the Museum is able to open its doors with no entry fee, so that tourists and residents can come and enjoy the facilities and learn about the Island as many times as they wish.

Contact us if you are interested in volunteering


The Museum is owned and run by the Lord Howe Island Historical Society, Inc. It currently operates with a voluntary committee of six, under a constitution model from the Department of Fair Trading. A part-time Curator carries out activities and oversees projects nominated by the committee, and a pool of volunteers operates the reception desk, maintains and updates the galleries, and co-ordinates lectures and videos for the public. 

Ian Hutton
Chris Murray
Robyn Warner
Kevin Rickard
Anna Thompson
Penryn Madrell

You too can become a member of the Society and support the Museum. Benefits include keeping up with Museum events through a regular newsletter, meeting the committee on your visit to the island, and knowing your support is helping keep the museum open without entry fee for all visitors.

We value community support, and want to encourage you to join (or to renew your membership). Your membership payment will be processed as a donation, and the funds will contribute to the general upkeep and running costs of the Museum.

$ 11
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Payment Total $11


The “Friends of Lord Howe Island” was set up in 2001 to assist the Lord Howe Island Board with weed eradication and other conservation projects on Lord Howe Island.

Members of the Friends of Lord Howe Island come from both the local community and concerned non-residents. They work with the Lord Howe Island Board to:

  • Protect and restore the island’s ecosystems
  • Promote the significance of Lord Howe Island’s unique natural and cultural heritage
  • Organise island activities which have benefits for conservation
  • Lobby for funding to support conservation efforts
  • Help with bush regeneration, surveys and other hands-on projects
  • Initiate new avenues for community support

Benefits of becoming a Friend of Lord Howe Island

The Friends of Lord Howe Island is a diverse community group that is helping to conserve and promote the World Heritage values of Lord Howe Island. They are actively involved in producing positive environmental outcomes.

As a strong, active community-based group, the Friends of Lord Howe Island is well placed to continue to attract grants and sponsorship to fund future programs. Friends also have the opportunity to:

  • Meet with others who have a common interest in natural history
  • Receive a quarterly newsletter full of information on Friends activities and reports on bush regeneration sites on Lord Howe Island
  • Attend lectures by experts conducting research on the island
  • Enjoy the beautiful environment of Lord Howe Island while involved in valuable volunteer work
  • Partake in regular week-long Ecotours of the Island, at discounted prices 

Join the Friends of Lord Howe Island

Annual membership subscription starts from only AUD$20 for singles, or AUD$35 for families. 
Subscriptions fall due on 31st October each year. Amounts of more than $20 are tax deductible.

Download the form, complete the details and send your cheque.



Feel free to download copies of past Friends of Lord Howe Island Newsletters, to learn what the Friends really get up to. We hope these records of their activities will inspire you to become a Friend, too.

Autumn 2019
Winter 2019
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Autumn 2020