The Historical Gallery – last round of work

During the last week, the final works on the displays in the Historical Gallery were completed.

This week Michael Bugelli and Ken Lees were flown over to the island to carry out the final works on the History Gallery displays. 

This entailed the final hanging of the many canvas storyboards that tell the history of the Island’s human occupation. In addition they had to carefully position all the artefacts, touch up the paintwork, and install LED lights. 

It has been a long project, made more difficult by the fact that Michael was based in Hobart, and then later in Sydney, and was only able to work for several weeks at a time over the last three years. 

The committee worked tirelessly on the main themes of the history of the island – choosing words, photographs and artefacts that illustrate the stories. Michael has used his talents to present this varied information in an interesting and uncluttered manner. 

With his skills in building using a variety of different materials, Ken Lees has put the displays together with impeccable craftsmanship and finesse. 

This has all been going on while the gallery remained open to the public – so that visitors would still have something to view while on the island.

After this week it should be completed and I will present some overall images of the finished product.

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